Tuesday 4 September 2012

The city now and then

Whenever I go to the country I feel I somehow miss the city. The city has so much to offer. It is a pity that we all seem to hate the city. 

The night before I left for the country I was looking at a very interesting book, Paul Knox’s Urban Social Geography, reading about the attitudes of people towards the city.

People generally believe that they would live better in the country than in the city. Nevertheless, there was something that brought them to the city in the first place.

Do people really ignore the opportunities that exist in cities? Knox mentions Baudelaire, pointing out that the diversity people experience in the city can lead to change in a cultural way. Remember how important the cities have been throughout history when it comes to cultural change: it is precisely because cities embrace difference; it’s in the cities that we have the chance to meet new people every day.

How important cultural change is, and yet we forget. Nothing can easily begin in the country. Everything begins in the cities. Everything began in the ancient ones. 

I visited Ancient Messene during my holidays. This is a highly preserved site of the ancient city, with a complete stadium, various temples, and a theatre. Crammed up, this little ‘city centre’ evoked the lost era very clearly, and at the same time it was relatively easy for me to picture exactly how life could have been there.

It was the epitome of city ruins, to me. Not segmented like ancient Athens. It is all there for us to see

Knox, Paul. Urban Social Geography. An Introduction. Third Edition. 1995. Essex: Longman.

Thanks very much for reading.

Saturday 25 August 2012

Everything is fiction

At  some point in my life, someone told me that everything in life is sales. I do not agree.

Everything is fiction.

Everything is fiction because our lives are much affected by fiction. Or better, because the way we perceive our lives has everything to do with fiction.

I mean, the stories we heard in childhood have created templates in our minds. And when we miss some of the facts in a situation, these templates help us fill these gaps. For instance, this happens when we look upon a situation and we try to impose a plot on it. And why is that?

Because we have got used to look at situations the way we look at stories.

But most of the times we forget that there may not be any underlying plot, and so we read more into the situation than there really is. This can lead to terrible misunderstandings and confusion.

A case in point: imagine a very beautiful girl, and her stepmother. The stepmother does not like the girl. What is happening in your mind when I tell you this story? Do you imagine a wicked stepmother that tries to emulate, belittle, and even kill the girl? If I mention to you that a horrible accident has happened, which thoughts come first to your mind? That the girl is the villain, or the other way round?

Now try to remember moments in your life when your thoughts were shaped by means of the stories you know. Did you read more into the situation than there really was? Did you use knowledge from stories in order to fill the gaps?

Stories are stories. Nothing more. Sometimes they help us understand things, sometimes they don’t. Some stories were created a long time ago, but now things have changed. Women do not wait for the Prince Charming. Or does society expect them to do so?

Do you follow any stories without realising it? Do they shape your mind for you?

Why not choose which stories we’ve got to keep, and which stories we should give up?

And then create new stories. Stories in which we are winners, we are creative, we are the best we can be.